Island Origins Live – Interview with Alex Penelas
Miami-Dade candidate for Mayor, Alex Penelas, held this job before leaving political life 16 years ago. During his last term he was a champion of...
Meet Linda Julien of Miami Gardens: A Haitian-American Story
Miami Gardens City County candidate Linda Julien has a uniquely Haitian-American history. “My mother came here on a boat,” she explains. “It was a life-threatening trip that...
Caribbean-Brit Director Steve McQueen Dedicates New Movies To BLM
Director of "12 Years a Slave" Steve McQueen announced he's dedicating two of his upcoming movies to George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement. Both films, "Mangrove"...
Caribbean Islands join protests in solidarity for Black Lives Matter
Amidst the ongoing international rallies in response to police brutality and the dealth of George Floyd, Caribbean people all over the world have shown their unshakable solidarity....
There’s a New Mayor in Town – Dale Holness Makes Broward History
Dale V.C. Holness, a Jamaican-American, was unanimously voted by the Broward County Commission to serve as Mayor today. Mayor Holness has served for the...
Diaspora mourns death of Former Jamaican PM Edward Seaga
Condolences continue to pour in from the Diaspora following the death of Jamaica’s fifth Prime Minister, Edward Philip George Seaga, at age 89. The statesman passed away...
Andrew Gillum’s Personal Message to the Caribbean Community
Calibe Thompson, publisher of Island Origins Magazine had a chance to sit and have a robust conversation with Democratic Florida gubernatorial nominee (candidate at the time), Andrew...
Yes, My Caribbean Vote Counts! (And So Should Yours)
You'd be hard pressed to find anyone to disagree with the idea that the 2016 election truly was the most consequential election in our lifetimes. All us...
BROWARD BALLOT RECOMMENDATIONS for Caribbean American Voters – 2018 Midterms
I requested a list of Broward ballot recommendations from my friend Marlon Hill. He's always in the thick of election activities, and spends much more time researching...