Caribbean Voter's Guide - New York, Florida, Texas, Georgia

Yes, My Caribbean Vote Counts! (And So Should Yours)

You'd be hard pressed to find anyone to disagree with the idea that the 2016 election truly was the most consequential election in our lifetimes. All us...

Style tips from Jamaica’s modern rude boys

Slick suits, cropped pants, and killer shoes -- the rude boy style lives on among the most stylish men around the world. But Jamaican sartorialists are holding...

Tasting the rare native Caribbean Wines

When you think of an authentic cocktail hour in the Caribbean, a good rum punch makes a good first sip. But did you know that Caribbean-grown and...
cuban film

Two New films that illuminate the cuban Diaspora

Sometimes being Cuban feels like being split in two -- a Diaspora of loved ones scattered and separated by geopolitics and economic strife. Now two new films...
underwater sculpture

The Secret Underwater Sculpture of the Caribbean

Between overfishing and heavy traffic of diving tourists, the Caribbean's coral reefs face constant environmental pressures. Responding to these challenges, amazing underwater sculpture parks have cropped up...

A New Documentary is Exploring Chinese-Caribbean identity in Canada

What do you do when your face doesn't suit preconceptions of the Caribbean? That's what comic. writer and filmmaker Danielle Ayow explores in her upcoming documentary But...

South Africa Is So Much More Than A Great Safari Destination

In the past 24 years since the end of apartheid, South Africa has morphed into one of the most sought-after vacation spots on the African continent. As...

Turning Vegan with Food Blogger Christina Collie

Ever thought of going full vegan, but you were too intimidated by the process? The whole rigmarole of revamping the pantry, scouring ingredient lists, and radically changing...

Hot Shots from Miami Broward Carnival 2018

Miami-Dade County Fairgrounds was filled with a kaleidoscope of color this past Sunday for the return of Miami Broward Carnival 2018. Patrice Roberts, Shurwayne Winchester and headliner...

Double Earthquake hits Haiti

The people of Haiti are still reeling following this weekend's double earthquake. A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck northern Haiti on Saturday night. Then a major aftershock measuring 5.2...
