Miami New Drama Presents “Create Dangerously,” A Theatrical Adaptation of Edwidge Danticat’s Critically Acclaimed...
Miami New Drama is proud to present the world premiere of "Create Dangerously," a groundbreaking play written and directed by Lileana Blain-Cruz, based on Edwidge...
Afro-Caribbean Faiths Demystified in a “Supa-Natural” Panel Discussion at Island SPACE Caribbean Museum
Vodou, Orisha and other Afro-Caribbean faiths will take center stage as the subjects of a humanities panel discussion at South Florida's Island SPACE Caribbean Museum...
America’s Only Caribbean Heritage Museum, Island SPACE, Reopens Bigger and Better in 2023
The vibrant colors of Caribbean culture were on full display, Saturday, April 8th at Island SPACE Caribbean Museum.
Guests of all ages...
Island SPACE Caribbean Museum Celebrates Women’s History with Women Warriors of Social Justice Series
Island SPACE Caribbean Museum, a museum dedicated to celebrating and preserving the cultural heritage of the Caribbean community, will present a "Women Warriors of Social...
Broward Center For The Performing Arts Hosts Second Annual Rhythm By The River: A...
The free event on Sunday, March 19 is presented by Baptist Health and JM Family Enterprises
Undeniable: Jah Cure’s Latest Album Dives Deep into Love and Relationships
In his latest album, “Undeniable,” dedicated purely to love, Jah Cure delivers a soulful masterpiece that captures the essence of romance and heartache with raw...
Windrush Caribbean Film Festival Announces the 2023 Film Lineup
Dozens descended on Rich Mix, London on Thursday for the launch of this year’s Windrush Caribbean Film Festival.
The festival, in its...
The Museums Association of the Caribbean Announces it’s “Power of Museums” Conference. Here’s What...
The Museums Association of the Caribbean Announces its 32nd Annual Conference to be held in 2023 in Nassau, The Bahamas: The Power of Museums: Relevancy,...
Jack Daniel’s Inaugural Black Achievers Awards Celebrates South Florida’s Changemakers and Trailblazers
Event Curated by Three Black Women Owned Companies - SocialXChange, Sweet Butter Hospitality & Hy-Lo News
Ten Miami-based changemakers were honored at...
Actor Kingsley Ben-Adir Talks “Bob Marley: One Love” Role on The Late Show with...
Everybody knows him. When you hear the name, radio hits like "Could You Be Loved," "Three Little Birds" and "I Shot the Sherriff" might immediately...