Back-to-School Tips to Get Ready for the 2023/2024 School Year

The start of a new school year can be exhilarating, challenging, or both. To help you get ready for school in the 2023/2024 academic year, here are 10 back-to-school tips for studying, managing your time and putting your best foot forward!

Get ready for school before the semester even begins

We’ve all experienced this: your daily routine gets turned upside-down during the summer, and then you have trouble getting back into school mode when the semester starts. To make things easier, make a gradual change over the course of a week or two before school starts.

Study in various places

It’s good to have a dedicated study space, especially a distraction-free one, but don’t be afraid to switch it up every now and then. When you feel stuck while studying, a simple change of scenery can do wonders to get you back into the groove.

Get ready the night before

Feel like you’re always rushing to get out of the house in the morning? Start getting ready the night before. Choose your outfit, pack your bag, and maybe even prep your breakfast or lunch. You’ll have a clearer mind as you get ready for school if you don’t have to rush to do everything in the morning!

Get a good night’s sleep

Unfortunately, sleep deprivation is a common issue among high school and college students, leading to adverse effects on the ability to focus, cope with stress and manage one’s temper. 

10 Back-to-School Tips to Get Ready for the 2023/2024 School Year

It’s recommended that young children (6–12 years old) get 9–12 hours of sleep per night and teens (13–18 years old) get 8–10 hours. Adults should get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Read this article by Harvard to learn more about this and tips to get more sleep as a student.

Eat a nutritious, balanced breakfast

Some people can skip breakfast and be fine but having a nutritious and balanced breakfast is a good way to start your day on the right foot. Remember, food is fuel for the brain — it gives you energy. For breakfast and beyond, incorporate superfoods into your diet.

Try the Pomodoro technique for studying

The Pomodoro method consists of breaking your study sessions up into smaller chunks with short breaks in between. The original method calls for 25-minute study sessions punctuated by 5-minute breaks. You can experiment with different time combinations, too!

Do a little bit each day

Cramming right before a test, writing a 10-page paper in one night… if either of those sounds familiar, try a different approach this upcoming semester. Study a little bit each day instead. This will also help you retain information for longer. Also, if you’re feeling daunted by a big assignment, start working on it early by doing just a bit each day.

Use a planner and/or calendar to manage your time

Managing your time effectively is key to staying on top of assignments, projects, and extracurriculars. Use a planner and/or a calendar (whether it’s the one on your phone or a physical one) to map out your schedule, keep track of important deadlines, and make note of any other commitments you have.

10 Back-to-School Tips to Get Ready for the 2023/2024 School Year

Make friends and study buddies

Building a supportive network of friends and study buddies can make school a whole lot easier. Even just making an acquaintance in each class helps; if you miss a class, you can ask them about what you missed (and do the same for them!). Don’t hesitate to start conversations, join study groups and participate in extracurriculars to meet like-minded people.

Review your notes before bed

You retain much more information in the long run when you review notes within the same day that you made them. Set aside a bit of time each day after classes to go through what you learnt that day. Also, if you realize that there’s stuff you’re confused about, try to get clarification on it ASAP.

By implementing these back-to-school tips, you’ll be better prepared to handle the challenges that naturally come with the start of a new school year.

Make good use of these back-to-school tips, and best of luck with the upcoming academic year!


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