The summertime sunshine is a welcome warmth when relaxing, but it can be quite dangerous. Check out the top summer car safety tips for families.

It goes without saying that island life is hot. The unyielding sun is a welcome joy when lounging at the beach or sitting on your deck, but it’s quite brutal when you need to get work done or run errands. Aside from the sheer discomfort, summertime heat is a dangerous entity that can cause everything from sunburn to heatstroke. If you frequently drive with your kids, you should know the top summer car safety tips for families.

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Always Have Backup Supplies

Things can quickly go south if you lack the appropriate supplies to avoid heat-related illnesses. Always have backup supplies in your car if you become stranded on the road without assistance for several hours. Always have a few bottles of water, extra sunscreen, and sun gear in the trunk of your car.

Service Your Car Beforehand

While you can’t change the temperatures that the weather throws at you each day, you can change how you navigate the heat. One way to be proactive about the summer weather is with preventive maintenance. You should have a professional check your car to ensure that the engine runs well and that you have coolant in your tank. Additionally, the air conditioning must work properly. All these systems will be in full swing when you turn the car on, so be sure they won’t give out. It’s especially important to service your car before any devastating mechanical problems occur. Help your car’s transmission beat the heat, so you don’t need to replace it midsummer.

The Top Summer Car Safety Tips for Families

Set Back Seat Reminders

As a parent, you constantly monitor your children and their needs. However, it’s surprisingly easy to forget about your sleeping child in the back seat of your car and leave them there unattended. Many tired or absentminded parents have left their child behind in a hot car, so don’t overestimate your abilities. Set a back seat reminder, so you always take your child out of the car when stopping to run an errand. This way, you have no way to forget your children in the rear.

Keep the top summer car safety tips for families in mind as you navigate the summer heat. The more preparation and vigilance you maintain during this time, the safer your family will be. While you may worry about your children’s ability to weather the heat, you can rest assured that they’re alright when you have preparations in place. Despite these precautions about the raging heat, don’t forget to go out and have fun with your family, too!



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