Island Origins takes home two new Florida Magazine Association awards for creative excellence.   FORT LAUDERDALE, FL (July...
How To Clean Up Your Home Following a Hurricane
When you live on the Caribbean islands, your home is prone to excessive hurricane damage. Here are some ways to clean up your home after a hurricane.
How To Make Your Home More Tropical
Looking to achieve a more beautiful, breezy feel in your home? Read about some ways to get the tropical ambience you crave in all of your favorite spaces.
Steps To Take To Repair Home Water Damage
Coastal living might be fun in the sun, but it also has many risks. Be cautious of home water damage, and know how to fix it after a tropical storm.
The Most Effective Way To Prune Your Flowers
Do you have some fresh tulips you want to spruce up? Then you need to learn the best ways to trim your flowers in order to keep up their longevity.