Things To Consider Before Moving to a Tropical Island

With any place that you live, there are going to be pros and cons. It’s ok to let the thought of an island breeze, a beach backdrop, and tropical living entice you. Be sure that before you choose the destination you’re relocating to, you understand everything that comes with such an endeavor. There are a few things to consider before moving to a tropical island that will allow you to evaluate a variety of locations as well as gather realistic expectations before acting.


Islands are small, and you’re undoubtedly going to get to know everyone over time. The days of flying under the radar when you’re running errands or popping into the market may be over. Prepare yourself to see the same people often and know plenty of details about them. There is no anonymity on an island, so there may be very few secrets kept. If you’re an especially private person, this is something to consider.

Island Time

If you’re coming from a bustling city or just a more structured area, you’re going to need to adjust to island time. In the tropics, things move slower. Shops may open at a completely different time than they list. Punctuality isn’t high on the priority lists of those on the island. It may be frustrating at first to establish plans, but hopefully, once you’re used to it, you can use it to your advantage. We all need to slow down a bit to enjoy the finer things, right?

Humid Weather

On vacation, we seek the hot and humid weather. A common mistake made when buying a home in Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Panama, or another tropical place is not considering the weather. Not only may there be more rain than you expected, but you’ll want to understand tropical storm potential.

Things To Consider Before Moving to a Tropical Island

Be sure that before you move, you’ll be able to handle the changes that come with new weather. For example, a consistently humid climate may change your hair or lead to some unwanted guests in your home. Both crawling critters and mold growth are ever-present on an island—it may be difficult to evade the sprouting of mushrooms and mold. However, if you can make peace with new wildlife and uninvited fungi, you’ll be fine.

There are things to consider before moving to a tropical island. In addition to the things mentioned, be sure to stock up on supplies that are hard to come by. Almost everything is imported, and their arrival schedules can be unpredictable. Be sure that you are hoarding things appropriately without going overboard.

When it comes to attempting to find a doctor, dentist, or cab driver that is dependable, take recommendations whenever you can get them. Lastly, save the items you want to ship home that will cost too much or are sensitive until your friends and family visit. They won’t need much to travel to you, so pack them up when they go! Having a more realistic view of what island living will mean for you will help you transition without a bunch of unexpected hurdles and questions.


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