Winston Blackout Thomas Recordgram Island Origins Magazine Spring 2018

A Studio in Your Pocket

Writer Calibe Thompson | Photography Justin Atkinson For aspiring musicians with little or no production budget, access to a roster of A-list producers, recording studio and video production facilities...
The Gentrification of Ganja Island Origins Magazine Spring 2018

The Gentrification of Ganja

Writer Ghenete Wright Muir and Sonia Morgan Can Jamaica Cash in on Cannabis? It’s like walking into a café and ordering a specialty coffee drink, or a bagel with...
Used Car Salesman

Buying a Used Car? Post Hurricane Car Buying Tips

After the recent catastrophic storms in the southern United States, it is estimated that as many as 500,000 cars may have been flooded and seriously damaged.  A...
Bolt 2

The Business Of Bolt

Usain Bolt's ability to stop a clock quicker than any man who ever reacted to the starter’s pistol for a sprint race made him a global superstar – and a...
Earl Carr Financial Literacy in the Caribbean Community

Financial Literacy in the Caribbean American Community

Writer: Earl Carr | Photography: Jordan Hollender One of my favorite stories is called “The Parable of the Talents.” The story describes a master who entrusts each of his three servants...
CPL Chris Gayle 0497

South Florida’s Sticky Wicket

Writer: Carolyn Guniss | Photography: David I. Muir South Florida-based real estate developer Krishna “Kris” Persaud dreamed that one day he would own a cricket team. In July...
Dr G 4266

Humble Beginnings – Dr Germaine Smith Baugh

Writer: Calibe Thompson | Photography: David I. Muir Near the corner of Sistrunk Boulevard and 27th Avenue in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, sits the prominent red and white building that...
Island Origins Magazine HR Online Single Pages 27 1 e1502393136120

The Grace Foods Strongman Shares His Softer Side

DERRICK RECKORD SVP of Commercial Operations Grace Foods USA In preparing for a business trip to West Africa in 2007 I was informed that the best place to get my...
