Coronavirus may have brought the globe to a standstill, but that’s not stopping reigning Miss World Toni-Ann Singh from continuing her charitable mission. Adjusting for worldwide travel bans and social distancing efforts, the Jamaican-born beauty queen will resume her “Beauty with a Purpose” tour with more virtual events, says CEO and chairperson of the Miss World Organization, Julia Morley.
“The plan is to switch the activities to online over the next three months, and should freedom of travel be lifted before July we will revert to the ‘Beauty With A Purpose’ global tour visiting countries and projects,” Morley told a source.
Singh was programmed to visit several countries for various projects. These events have been shifted till later in the year. One upcoming engagement includes a fashion show fundraiser in Jamaica, as part of Singh’s Beauty with a Purpose charitable mission. The show will support her educational initiative providing distance learning facilities for teen mothers and pageant girls at the Women’s Centre of Jamaica Foundation. “This work will continue to progress, so when we get back to ‘business’ as normal, we will be in a position to act quickly,” Morley said.
Morley also gave assurances that the current pandemic will have no negative effects on the Jamaican beauty queen’s reign. Her charity events are all set to proceed at a later date. “She is still Miss World and will continue to use her influence to bring about social and cultural change, which will be even more relevant in these uncertain times.”
Singh also shared her eagerness to continue her mission with her followers on Instagram. “I cannot wait to get back to working with, and advocating for, the incredible Beauty With a Purpose projects all over the world,” says Singh. “There is still work to be done. There is still purpose to fulfill.”
Singh, who took the title in December 2019 at London, is the fourth Jamaican to have been crowned Miss World. Carole Joan Crawford broke the record in 1963, followed by Cindy Breakspeare in 1976, and then Lisa Hanna in 1993. Toni-Ann Singh was born and raised in Morant Bay, St. Thomas, Jamaica before she immigrated to the U.S. in 2006. She graduated from Florida State University.