Caribbean Voter's Guide - New York, Florida, Texas, Georgia

Here’s a list of important election dates for voters in Florida, Georgia, New York and Texas to register, request vote by mail, and vote in person.

Election Day: November 3, 2020

*Voters must vote at their designated precinct in person if they have not voted early or absentee by Election Day.


Deadline to register:  Monday, October 5 (Online or by mail)
Vote by mail request:  Saturday, October 24
Vote by mail submit:  Tuesday, November 3, 7:00pm
Early voting begins:  Monday, October 19 (Any polling location)


Deadline to register:  Monday, October 5 (Online or postmarked)
Vote by mail request: Friday, October 30
Early voting period: Monday, October 12 – Friday, October 30. (Dates and hours may vary based on where you live).

New York

Deadline to register:  Friday, October 9 (Online or by mail)
Vote by mail request:  Tuesday, October 27
Vote by mail submit:  Tuesday, November 3, 7:00pm
Early voting begins:  Saturday, October 24


Deadline to register:  Monday, October 5 Online or postmarked
Vote by mail request:  Received by Saturday, October 24
Early voting period: Tuesday, October 13 – Friday, October 30. (Dates and hours may vary based on where you live).