Photo: Courtesy of John Yearwood

Trinidad | Global Editor at POLITICO

“Tales of the hunt will forever glorify the hunter until the lions tell their story.” African Proverb

John Yearwood is a multiple-award-winning, internationally respected figure in the world of media and journalism. Currently the global editor at POLITICO, he is the former world editor for the Miami Herald, an authority on global affairs referenced by platforms such as NPR, BBC and Al Jazeera, and executive board chairman of the International Press Institute. The Trinidadian-American has engaged with such indelible figures as Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama, and he brought the Miami Herald to the precipice of winning a Pulitzer Prize when he spearheaded coverage of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

From His Perspective

First job

General assignments (GA) reporter with the Dallas Morning News. As a GA reporter, I recognized that the immigrant population was increasing at a steady clip in Dallas. I proposed a beat to focus on the new immigrant community, which led to more and more stories about international affairs. Ultimately, I became an editor at another Texas newspaper and continued exploring international coverage. That led directly to my current position. 

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Global Editor of Politico, John Yearwood
Photo: George Horton

Greatest professional accomplishment

I led a team of reporters and editors at the Miami Herald to explore issues of racial identity in Latin America. It was called A Rising Voice: Afro-Latin Americans. Even though it has been many years since the series was published, I still get calls from organizations and institutions wanting to know more about the series or asking me to speak at conferences about it. 

Greatest career strengths

Curiosity and knowledge of international issues and connections with people around the world who are actively involved in setting international policy. 

Recommended reading list

“Things Fall Apart” by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe, “Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America, 1619-2019” by Ibram X. Kendi, “Long Walk to Freedom” by Nelson Mandela and “The Downing Street Years” by Margaret Thatcher  

Advice for the next generation

A great deal of your success in life will be based on luck. You’ll discover in time that the harder you work, the luckier you’ll become. 

4 Interesting Facts About John Yearwood

  1. Most grateful for: Family and good friends
  2. Favorite traditional Trinidadian meal: Pelau (a one-pot chicken, rice and bean dish)
  3. Favorite extracurricular activities: Running on the beach and going to the movies
  4. One surprising fact: I’m actually an introvert
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